For the adoption from Wikipedia website, Mobile payment (also referred to as mobile web payment or WAP billing) is the collection of money from a consumer via a mobile device such as their mobile phone, SmartPhone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or other such device.
The mobile payment can be used to purchase any number of digital goods and physical goods. For example digital goods are ring tones, games, wallpaper for mobile phone and the booking cinema ticket and air ticket. Usually purchase digital good are through by SMS based transaction payments or mobile web payment (WAP).
The mobile payment can be used to purchase any number of digital goods and physical goods. For example digital goods are ring tones, games, wallpaper for mobile phone and the booking cinema ticket and air ticket. Usually purchase digital good are through by SMS based transaction payments or mobile web payment (WAP).
In Malaysia, mobile payment is recently services developing fast. This service is effective providing customers with admission or money off vouchers which can be unique coded or designed to allow viral spread. The mobile channel can be effectively used as a self-funding and revenue generating medium. This service covers all mobile operators on Malaysia; it’s for prepaid and postpaid service billings.
For its potential, the customers no need to carry money or credit card to make transaction; it is by using their mobile phone to purchase the digital goods and booking cinema ticket and some. Such mobile service works on any mobile and it eliminates the hassle to queue up just to pay your electric bills. The mobile payment providers have a large market share to be grab on. This mobile payment system is still new and developing in Malaysia. It will continue to grow as consumer’s confidence on mobile payment increased.
For consumers’ adoption strategies, in Malaysia, most of the company will reward the consumer by giving gift at certain level of purchasing or giving redemption of reward. Beside that, some of the company will give extra credit to customers which are Hotlink user. With certain call and receive will accumulated the points to redeem air time or sms.
Even though mobile system payment is a new strategy in Malaysia readily to be accepted by Malaysian, but I believe, once it is promoted enough in Malaysia market, this strategy can be easily accepted by Malaysian and have a high probability to be a good service payment system in Malaysia.
I agree with what you say but i think this strategy can fully accept by Malaysian when the security is high and certain. However, in the electronic based world now a day, this is a potential market for mobile company and it will bring the benefit for society if it properly been used.
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